Work Program

The goal of the Work Program is to provide financial information regarding MAG’s funding sources and use of funds. Funding to support MAG activities is provided from a variety of sources, with federal and state grants comprising the principal source of funding. In addition, membership dues and special assessments, which are based on population and assessed from each member agency, provide a significant source of revenue to support MAG regional planning activities.

FY 2024 Funding

FY2024 Funding Sources

Total: $46,055,316

FY2024 How We Use the Funds by Division

Total: $46,055,316

FY 2025 Funding

FY2025 Funding Sources

Total: $38,139,468

FY2025 How We Use the Funds by Division

Total: $38,139,468

MAG in a Minute Video
The Maricopa Association of Governments understands its responsibility to be good stewards of the public trust and ensure the utmost value for every public dollar. See this short video on how we strive to use these resources wisely and to deliver maximum value.