Newsroom | Message from the Chair, April 2023

MAG News

MAG continues to work with the Arizona State Legislature to ensure voters have an opportunity to choose whether to continue their investment in transportation through the extension of Proposition 400, the dedicated half-cent sales tax for transportation.

Do you want a say in how you move around the Valley in the future?

Chair Message, Regional Council

MAG continues to work with the Arizona State Legislature to ensure voters have an opportunity to choose whether to continue their investment in transportation through the extension of Proposition 400, the dedicated half-cent sales tax for transportation first established by voters in 1985. Continuing this investment would deliver new freeway and street improvements, and further expand our transit network to meet the growing transportation needs of our region. It would create almost $60 billion in net new economic activity and support tens of thousands of high-wage, high-quality jobs each year. Valley residents should have the chance to determine their transportation future.

The regional strategic transportation infrastructure investment plan that would be supported by investments funded through an extension of Prop 400 is based on a multiyear, performance-based planning process using extensive data analysis, modeling, and public and stakeholder engagement. We appreciate the efforts of State Representative David Cook and others to move legislation forward that would direct Maricopa County to put the extension on the ballot.

I have had several opportunities to speak before the Legislature regarding the importance of the regional plan that was approved unanimously by the MAG Regional Council in 2021. Some have questioned why the mayor of a West Valley city with a limited transit portfolio would support a plan that includes 40.4 percent for transit. This is my answer: because it is a regional transportation system. Our plan invests in arterial roadways, freeways/highways, light rail transit, bus rapid transit, expanded bus transit, safety improvements, transportation technology, bike lanes, and sidewalks. These investments are important not just for my own growing community, but for a rapidly growing region. Our plan furthers the progress seen in the current Proposition 400 plan, which helped us build more than 400 corridor miles of freeways, 252 miles of street projects, and millions of additional miles of bus service. 

Think about your own travel and why having a high performing regional transportation system is important to you. The plan will keep us moving safely and give us options in how we want to get to the places we need and want to go, whether that is work, school, shopping, or spending time with those we love.

Implementation of our transportation plan is also tied to our work to preserve and advance a clean environment. We recently saw the reclassification of the region from “marginal” to “moderate” nonattainment for the ozone pollution standard. This moved us up the severity ladder on how we are classified, and if we climb the next rung to serious, it will make it harder to secure the permits needed for new and existing businesses to expand. Implementing our future multimodal investment plan is a critical component of addressing ozone nonattainment, and further underscores our need for enabling legislation. 

Another critical issue being addressed is homelessness. This month we launched “Home is where it all starts,” a public education campaign involving partners throughout the Valley. The campaign is an element of the Pathways Home: Regional Homelessness Action Plan for Local and Tribal Governments. A goal of the campaign is to change the narrative surrounding affordable rents and mortgages to ensure everyone has a home that meets their needs.  More on the educational campaign, including a messaging toolkit and ways to get involved, is available at

These are just a few of the efforts taking place to improve the daily lives of people throughout the Valley.  My fellow Regional Council members and I are committed to the work MAG is doing to ensure the region remains a strong, prosperous, and preferred place to live.

Published April 5, 2023