Newsroom | Message from the Chair, May 2022

MAG News

Representing MAG as Regional Council chair has given me a renewed appreciation for regionalism and the magnitude of its importance on the lives of Valley residents.

Regional Council, Chair Message, Giles

Representing the Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) as Regional Council chair has given me a renewed appreciation for regionalism and the magnitude of its importance on the lives of Valley residents. Issues such as transportation, air quality and homelessness cannot be effectively addressed without the participation of all of our interconnected communities.

We have seen regionalism embodied in our work products, such as the Regional Strategic Transportation Infrastructure Investment Plan and the Pathways Home Regional Homelessness Action Plan. We have seen it reflected in the effects of our work, such as meeting the federal standards for carbon monoxide for our 24th straight year. We saw it exemplified through our technology programs, which helped bring critical information to the region as traffic patterns changed dramatically during the pandemic. We saw its benefits as we analyzed sales and rent data to track trends and provide decision makers with current information regarding housing affordability in their jurisdictions. And we saw its direct impact on the economy through the $1.63 billion for regional transportation investments made in the region in Fiscal Year 2022.

These are just a few of the many ways MAG has contributed in the past year. MAG’s accomplishments mean a stronger, safer and more prosperous region. I want to thank my fellow Regional Council members for their support, encouragement and counsel throughout my tenure.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to represent the MAG Regional Council over the past year. While my term as chair is ending, I will remain active and involved in MAG. I also assume the role of past chair knowing the organization is in good hands. I believe MAG is the right – and best – agency to work on regional solutions to collectively grow our economy. I am confident that MAG will continue to meet the challenges of the future, and continue to foster collaboration to make this a better region for all of the residents of our region.


John GilesMAG Chair & Mayor of Mesa

Published May 11, 2022