Age Friendly Arizona

Age Friendly Arizona

Photo courtesy of Duet - Photographer: Frankie Wheeler

Age Friendly Arizona logo

In partnership with Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust, municipalities, nonprofit agencies, faith-based entities, community groups, and residents, the Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) coordinates Age Friendly Arizona. The purpose of the network is to identify opportunities to integrate people aged 60 years plus into their communities with people of all ages.

The network draws its data and direction from extensive community engagement to identify the specific assets and needs of particular communities. This information shapes the development of pilot projects aimed at providing older adults with more choices about where and how they live with connections to their communities.

The 65 and older population makes up 12 percent of our population, around 463,000 people. By 2020, the number of older adults will increase to 700,000 people. This population increase of 50 percent will require changes in the way the region meets people's needs. This is also an unprecedented opportunity. Never before has such an educated and accomplished workforce retired. As a result, the priorities and choices people want are changing.

Age Friendly Arizona Communities Map - PDF Download

Additional information can be found on the Age Friendly AZ website.