Overview of Continuum of Care Meetings

The Continuum of Care stands at the center of regional efforts and is led by a diverse governing board, assisted by nine key lateral Collaboratives and various workgroups to address aspects of the work. These groups are represented by stakeholders in the community including formerly homeless individuals, advocates, outreach teams, homeless services providers, domestic violence providers, criminal justice system, healthcare system, behavioral health system, child welfare system, elected officials, first responders, Emergency Solutions Grant recipients, Public Housing Authorities, and private funders. To access materials for any of these meetings, please reach out to the staff person assigned. All Collaborative members are required to complete a Conflict of Interest form.

Continuum of Care Board

The CoC Board is the policy-setting and decision-making body for the Maricopa Regional Continuum of Care. The Board develops, annually updates, and follows the governance charter in consultation with CoC (MAG) staff and the Homeless Management Information System lead (Solari Crisis and Human Services). The Board works to strengthen the homeless services system by providing guidance and support to nonprofit homeless services providers and taking appropriate action on the performance of those providers.

Continuum of Care Collaborative

The CoC Collaborative is a collection of cross-sector stakeholders providing housing and services to people experiencing homelessness in Maricopa County. The purpose of the Collaborative is to provide input and recommendations to the Continuum of Care Board and MAG staff, and support communication across groups.

Coordinated Entry Collaborative

The Coordinated Entry Collaborative serves to problem solve issues facing the coordinated entry system and provides policy recommendations to the Continuum of Care Board on principles and guidelines for the system.

Data Collaborative

The Data Collaborative provides a forum to review data, provide input and make recommendations to the Continuum of Care Board on policies related to the Homeless Management Information System data collection and use.

ESG Collaborative

The ESG Collaborative consults with the CoC Board to foster collaboration and coordination of ESG and CoC funded services and performance outcomes.

Lived Experience Collaborative

The Lived Experience Collaborative provides input and makes recommendations to the Continuum of Care Board on how principles and guidelines for the Continuum of Care affects individuals experiencing homelessness and was formed out of the Race Equity Plan.

Local Jurisdiction Collaborative

The Local Jurisdiction Collaborative provides input and makes recommendations to the Continuum of Care Board on policies related to local jurisdictions and implements the work of Pathways Home: A Regional Action Plan for Local and Tribal Governments.

Race Equity Collaborative

The Race Equity Collaborative provides input and makes recommendations to the Continuum of Care Board on how principles and guidelines for the Continuum of Care disproportionately impact people of color experiencing homelessness and implements the recommendations of the Race and Homelessness in Maricopa County report ensuring racial equity across the system.

Rank and Review Collaborative

The Rank and Review Collaborative ensures the objective review of performance metrics, and seeks to maximize HUD CoC funding through rating and reviewing projects recommended for funding. They also analyze the CoC’s portfolio of interventions to restructure resources in order to meet regional homeless needs, and provide those recommendations to the Board.

Youth Action Collaborative

The Youth Action Collaborative provides input and makes recommendations to the Continuum of Care Board on how principles and guidelines for the Continuum of Care affects youth experiencing homelessness. The Youth Action Collaborative is made up of youth between the ages of 18 and 24 who have experience of homelessness.

Workgroups: Time limited. Data driven. Goal driven.

Communications: Workgroup committed to developing a Communication Plan for the Continuum of Care and streamlining understanding of the Continuum of Care.

  • Meets: third Tuesday of each quarter (February, May, August, November) at noon
  • Staff: Dillon Belmont

Connecting to Housing: Workgroup committed to better integration with Low Income Housing Tax Credit projects through both Public Housing Authority and homeless response system resources.

  • Meets: third Tuesday of each quarter (January, April, July, October) at 11 a.m.
  • Staff: Brian Gruters

Coordinated Entry & Domestic Violence: Workgroup committed to integrating the Coordinated Entry system and domestic violence focused on data collection and prioritization of resources.

  • Meets: first Thursday of each month at 10 a.m.
  • Staff: Brian Gruters

Data & Dashboard Office Hours: A space designated for the review and discussion of various CoC dashboards and data tools, including the Homelessness Trends Report.

  • Meets: last Tuesday of every quarter at 10:30 a.m.
  • Staff: Cleo Warner

Data Insights: Workgroup committed to providing data insights and policy recommendations based on data evaluated in partnership with the Arizona Housing Analytics Collaborative and other homeless system partners.

  • Meets: second Tuesday of the month at 1 p.m.
  • Staff: Cleo Warner

Data Literacy Planning: Workgroup committed to increasing community data literacy and utilization of data by creating a multi-level data literacy plan.

Emergency Shelter: Workgroup committed to focusing on singles emergency shelter coordination.

  • Meets: fourth Thursday of each month at 2 p.m.
  • Staff: Brian Gruters

Move On Workgroup: Workgroup committed to focusing on policies and practices to move individuals and families in Permanent Supportive Housing to other housing alternatives once stabilized.

  • Meets: second Tuesday of each month at noon
  • Staff: Brian Gruters

Non-HMIS Agency: Workgroup committed to creating a baseline understanding of the Outreach and SSO projects that are operating in our community, but not participating in HMIS.

Outreach: Workgroup committed to focusing on policies and practices within the outreach community and problem solve around issues unique to outreach.

  • Meets: fourth Wednesday of each month at 2 p.m.
  • Staff: Brian Gruters

Public Housing Authority: Workgroup committed to focusing on policies and practices to integrate Public Housing Authority resources with the homeless response system including specialty vouchers.

Veterans: Workgroup committed to focusing on policies and practices to integrate the Veteran system and problem solve around issues unique to the Veteran community.

  • Meets: first Friday of each quarter (January, April, July, October) at 10 a.m.
  • Staff: Natalie Davenport

Youth: Workgroup committed to focusing on policies and practices to integrate the Youth system and problem solve around issues unique to the 18-24 year old community in preparation for applying for the Youth Homelessness Demonstration Project.

  • Meets: third Thursday of each quarter (February, May, August, November) at 10 a.m.
  • Staff: Matthew Finley

Interested in getting more involved?

We would love your help!

Regional Homelessness Program Manager
Brian Gruters
Human Services Planner II
Cleo Warner
Human Services Planner II
Natalie Davenport
Human Services Planner II
Dillon Belmont
Youth Services Planner II
Matthew Finley
Youth Services Planner I
Corinn Cruz