Strategic Plan Activities
The Strategic Plan guides the CoC's efforts to reduce homelessness in our community. This section details recent community accomplishments.
Increase Data Access and Quality
- The Data Collaborative and Data Insights Workgroup continue to coordinate with AzHAC on data analysis, including how changes to the Coordinated Entry Evaluation tool affect outcomes.
- The Non-HMIS Agency, Data Literacy, and Data Quality workgroups continue their efforts to increase community utilization of HMIS and the quality of data entered.
- Following the HMIS evaluation, all three Arizona CoCs are currently collaborating on a framework for statewide HMIS governance policy.
Increase Awareness and Understanding
- Maricopa was among the recipients of the Youth Homelessness System Improvement grant, of which coordination has begun.
- Standardized training modules for Street Outreach, Emergency Shelter, and Rapid Rehousing staff are currently in development.
- The Youth Action Collaborative and Lived Experience Collaborative attended a storytelling workshop.
- The Shelter Bill of Rights was approved and distributed to shelter providers.
System Performance Measures
Much of the Strategic Plan is focused on improving the region's System Performance Measures, which are a set of metrics used by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to assess progress for Continua of Care across the nation.
Reduce First Time Homeless
Reduce Length of Time Homeless
- The Connecting to Systems of Care Workgroup developed resources regarding flex funding for RRH programs to increase opportunities for coordination within the homeless response system.
Increase Job and Income Growth
Increase Successful Exits
Reduce Returns to Homelessness