Commute and Workforce

The Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) produces maps and reports for the workforce and the commute sheds in the region using data from the Maricopa County Travel Reduction Program (TRP). A commute shed is the boundary for the area a worker can commute in 30 minutes or less to a specific intersection.

Commute Shed Reports



The MAG Commute Shed Reports show information about employers, workers, and residents within a 30 minute morning commute time to nearly 100 key intersections in the MAG region. These reports are available by cities, towns, counties, and Native Nations.


live-work and job center maps


MAG creates maps that analyze live-work patterns for jurisdictions and job centers within Maricopa County. Data collected from the TRP is mapped and analyzed to study worker commute patterns of employees working for employers with 50 or more employees.



Regional Workforce Commute Explorer

This interactive dashboard visualizes commute and workforce data for Maricopa County and specific subregions. Explore data on commute modes, average trip length, and workers by industry or occupation based on where they live and work.