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Complete Protective Orders Online

Protective orders are issued to stop a person from committing an act of harassment or domestic violence against another person or persons.

The Arizona Protective Order Initiation and Notification Tool (AZPOINT) allows victims to complete a petition for a protective order at any time, on any device, and from anywhere. The site provides contact information to connect victims to advocates who can assist in the completion of the form. Once a petition is completed, the victim simply contacts the court via phone or in-person to retrieve the petition. The court will then schedule a virtual or in-person hearing. 

Once an Order of Protection is granted, AZPOINT immediately assigns the order to law enforcement for service where the defendant resides. This is a major enhancement, as victims used to have to take the order to law enforcement themselves or wait for the abuser to appear and then call law enforcement. 

If a victim has signed up for notifications, the system will automatically notify the victim when the defendant has been served, meaning the order is in effect and enforceable. The system also immediately notifies the National Crime Information Center, making the database available to police agencies nationwide. This assists law enforcement in enforcing the order. This is not only more efficient but can save lives.

"AZPOINT takes some of the burden off domestic violence victims and provides digital options."

Jerry Weiers
Glendale Mayor and MAG Chair

AZPOINT - Tips and Tutorials for Completing an Order of Protection