Programming and Finance


As the designated Metropolitan Planning Organization for the Maricopa region, MAG plans and finances the regional transportation system.

  • Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)

    The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is a five year schedule of near-term implementation of a Regional Transportation Plan that will be constructed across the region.
  • Arterial Life Cycle Program (ALCP)

    This program provides management and oversight for the street projects in the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP), including location, regional funding, year and type of work, status of the project and the lead agency.
  • Freeway Life Cycle Program (FLCP)

    The Freeway Life Cycle Program (FLCP) is the management tool for the implementation of freeway and highway projects identified in the MAG Regional Transportation Plan (RTP).
  • Pinal County Arterial Bridge Program

    Projects within this specific area of Pinal County that qualify for funding are roadways (including parkways), principal and minor arterials, and major collectors.
  • Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Project Evaluations

    The Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ) Program provides federal funds to projects and programs that help nonattainment and maintenance areas comply with air quality standards.
  • Transit Programming

    MAG coordinates with our member agencies and the MAG Transit Committee to program Federal Transit Administration funds. This process is guided by the policies approved by the MAG Regional Council. The program funds projects in the Transit Life Cycle Program, Preventive Maintenance, Job Access and Reverse Commute and additional regional needs, funding permitting.