
MAG’s Transportation Safety Planning program strives to identify current and potential future transportation related safety issues, concerns, and needs in the region, and determine ways to address them through the MAG Regional Transportation Planning process. The discussion of road safety issues at the regional level began at the first annual MAG Regional Transportation Safety Forum. Topics such as Safe Access to Schools, Reducing Red Light Running, Introducing Road Safety Audits and producing an annual report on Road Safety in the region were listed as goals in a Safety Action Plan the group developed.

Safety Projects

  • Crash Trends

    The charts and graphs show trends in crash incidents and resulting injuries and fatalities in MAG’s planning area.
  • Evaluations of Safety and Elderly Mobility Signs

    The MAG Transportation Safety Committee and the MAG Elder Mobility Stakeholders Group jointly launched a road safety project aimed at improving the road environment for older road users.
  • Pedestrian Safety Forum

    At the request of MAG's Management Committee, MAG hosted the Regional Leaders Pedestrian Safety Forum in December, 2019.
  • Roadway Safety Program

    The MAG Roadway Safety Program (RSP) was proposed by MAG to supplement the state’s Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) program, and assist with providing additional funding in the short term.
  • Left Turn Crash Mitigation Implementation Template and Guidance   PDF

    This guidance was developed to address the Action Area “Eliminate Deaths and Serious Injuries Related to Crashes at Intersections” in the MAG STSP by assessing intersection safety improvements as they relate to creating positive offsets at left-turn lanes.
  • Local Agency Safety Studies Program

    Member agencies are invited to submit candidate projects for inclusion in the FY2018 Local Agency Safety Studies (LASS) Program.
  • MAG Highway Safety Improvement Program

    The Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) is a core program that was introduced through SAFETEA-LU and is focused on improving road safety.
  • MAG Road Safety Assessment Program

    Road Safety Assessments (RSAs) are a proactive approach to improving road safety. They involve a formal examination, from a road safety viewpoint, of a particular intersection or an arterial or freeway corridor.
  • MAG Strategic Transportation Safety Plan

    The Plan is an update to the 2015 STSP developed by the MAG Transportation Safety Committee (TSC). The STSP integrates a Safe System approach to identify a culture of safety and establish a vision, goals, strategies, and performance measures for regional multimodal transportation safety.
  • Regional Transportation Safety Information Management System (RTSIMS)

    The Regional Transportation Safety Information Management System (RTSIMS) software serves as the key analytical tool at MAG for performing crash data analyses in support of transportation safety planning at the regional level.
  • Safe Routes to School

    The Safe Routes to School Program consists of providing resources for schools and municipalities to administer Safe Routes to School (SRTS) initiatives and activities.

  • See Me AZ Program

    The Maricopa Association of Governments Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Education and Enforcement program provides regional resources for improving pedestrian and bicyclist safety in the region.