MAG is responsible for the long-range transit planning efforts in the region, working collaboratively with its partners, including  Valley Metro (the regional public transportation agency), City of Phoenix (federal aid designated recipient and transit operator), and member agencies.

2021 Avondale-Goodyear Transit Study

2021 Avondale-Goodyear Transit Study

The Avondale-Goodyear Transit Study evaluated the need for new and/or improved transit service in the cities of Avondale and Goodyear.
2021 Regional Bus Rapid Transit Feasibility Study

2021 Regional Bus Rapid Transit Feasibility Study

The Regional Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Feasibility Study explored the interest in and feasibility of implementing BRT in the MAG Region.
2020 Commuter Bus Feasibility Study (PDF)

2020 Commuter Bus Feasibility Study (PDF)

The Regional Commuter Bus Feasibility Study explored how existing commuter bus services are performing and how they could be improved.
2020 Gila River Indian Community Transit Needs Study

2020 Gila River Indian Community Transit Needs Study

This study assessed the need for enhanced and/or expanded transit service throughout the GRIC region, and identified potential connections to destinations and amenities outside the community.
2019 Regional Transit Framework Study Update

2019 Regional Transit Framework Study Update

MAG initiated a study update to validate and prioritize future high-capacity transit investments through a data-driven, system-wide planning approach through the planning horizon of 2040.
Transit Committee

Transit Committee

The Transit Committee was established in September 2009 to program federal transit funds through the five-year Transportation Improvement Program.