Intelligent Transportation Systems Committee

The MAG ITS Committee is a technical committee that consists of representatives from Federal Highway Administration, Arizona DOT, Arizona Department of Public Safety, Valley Metro, Arizona State University and sixteen MAG member agencies. The committee provides oversight to the development of regional plans, such as the ITS Strategic Plan, the Regional ITS Architecture operations planning necessary for Integrated Corridor Management, and studies to support ITS infrastructure planning. These plans serve as the overall roadmap for investments in regional ITS infrastructure and in the application of technology-based solutions for managing and operating the regional multimodal transportation system. The committee also recommends ITS applications on the arterial and freeway systems through projects that are programmed in the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). The primary focus of the committee is on publicly owned transportation facilities in the region.  However, a number of regional ITS applications provide real-time traffic information that support value added products and services from private sector ITS partners such as radio, TV and internet based traffic information services.

*Note: ITS is now referred to as Transportation System Management and Operations (TSMO) on the MAG website.