About GovDelivery

In an effort to make information delivery faster, MAG has implemented an e-mail notification system that will make it easier to receive documents such as agendas, minutes and reports. Through a free subscription service called GovDelivery, MAG member agencies and the public will have better access to information that is posted on the MAG Web site.

The subscription service monitors specific Web pages for changes, and when a change is detected, the service sends an e-mail to subscribers notifying them of the change. Users can choose to subscribe to as many of the pages as they wish. There are about 130 monitored pages on the MAG Web site.

As a subscriber, you can choose not only what information you receive, you can also choose how often you receive it—immediately, daily, or weekly.

To subscribe, simply click on the link on the page that says “Sign up to receive email updates.”  Users can also click on a Quick Subscribe link on various pages to see a full list and subscribe to any of the MAG pages. To subscribe, only a few pieces of information will be required, such as e-mail address, delivery preferences and organization.

Look for the red envelope icon on pages of interest. Gov Delivery Envolope