MAG was designated by the Governor of Arizona in 1978 and recertified by the Arizona Legislature in 1992 to serve as the regional air quality planning agency for the Maricopa County nonattainment area. In this role, MAG develops regional air quality plans to address air pollution problems. In June 2016, the Governor certified MAG as the lead planning organization for the Pinal County PM-10 and PM-2.5 nonattainment areas. MAG will develop air quality plans for these areas in cooperation with the Sun Corridor Metropolitan Planning Organization.
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MAG contracted with Ramboll US Consulting to identify and evaluate new and available ozone precursor control measures to assist in meeting Clean Air Act requirements related to the 2015 ozone standard for the Maricopa nonattainment area. Ramboll’s evaluation includes emissions reductions and cost estimates for each identified new and available control measure when sufficient information is available. Ramboll’s final report is accessible by clicking the link below.