Public Outreach



Public Participation Plan

The Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) believes that public participation is a critical and necessary part of the transportation planning process. The public's involvement helps MAG make transportation decisions that meet the needs of all people, and to plan transportation facilities that fit harmoniously into communities.

MAG Public Comment

MAG believes that public participation is key to the planning process. We need the community’s help to plan projects that provide benefits to the region and meet the wide-ranging needs of residents. We encourage you to share your thoughts, ideas and concerns with us through either the Public Comment Form or by completing the MAG Community Feedback Survey.

If you wish to provide comments directly to policy makers, you are encouraged to attend the MAG committee meeting(s) of interest and make your comments in person. You can find MAG meeting dates and times listed on our home page. You also may submit comments through our online form. Learn how to provide comments at MAG.

MAG Public Input and Community Outreach Report

We are committed to listening and to reporting back how public input has shaped our decisions. The annual report is intended to assist in meeting those goals and to ensure policy makers have access to public feedback.

Title VI Plan and Environmental Justice

In order to develop transportation plans that are responsive to the needs and priorities of a diverse population, it is essential to have a process in place that effectively engages the public, fully integrates their feedback, analyzes the benefits and burdens of various alternatives, and recommends the most equitable solutions. MAG maintains a robust program to ensure all people have a meaningful role in the planning process.

Meeting Notices Location

Statement of locations where all notices of the meetings of the Maricopa Association of Governments will be posted

Public Records Requests

The Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) abides by Arizona Public Records Law (Arizona Revised Statutes 39-121 et seq.) to make public records available to the community. This also supports MAG in operating in a transparent and inclusive manner. Please use the online public records request form.