Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Projects

Street Sweeper

The Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ) Program provides federal funds to projects and programs that help nonattainment and maintenance areas comply with air quality standards. MAG conducts a project evaluation to estimate the emissions reductions and cost-effectiveness of proposed CMAQ projects. MAG calculates the estimated emissions reductions and cost-effectiveness of each CMAQ funded project. The project evaluations assist technical and modal committees prior to recommending projects to be added to the Transportation Improvement Program.

The Paving of Unpaved Road Program is funded with CMAQ federal aid along with member agency local funding. Paving of unpaved roads assists with controlling re-entrained particulate matter (PM) dust of 10 microns or less. MAG, through assistance with member agencies, completes inventories of both public and private unpaved roads in the region.