
  • Arizona Age-Friendly Network

    In partnership with the Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust, municipalities, nonprofit agencies, faith-based entities, community groups, and residents, the Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) coordinates the  Arizona Age-Friendly Network. The purpose of the network is to identify opportunities to more fully integrate people aged 60 years plus into their communities with people of all ages.
  • Elderly and Persons with Disabilities Transportation Committee

    This committee consists of representatives from MAG member agencies and regional transportation agencies. The committee develops the prioritization of applicants to receive FTA Section 5310 capital assistance awards in the form of vehicles and related equipment to transport elderly individuals and persons with disabilities.
  • Human Services Transportation Workshops

    The Human Services Transportation Division at MAG in partnership of the subregional Mobility Managers, offers our community a series of workshops tailored to support human service transportation providers in the region.
  • MAG Connect-A-Ride

    MAG Connect-A-Ride is a listing of agencies that provide human services transportation resource information in the MAG region.
  • MAG Transportation Ambassador Program

    The Transportation Ambassador Program project is designed to connect people to human services transportation opportunities in the region. The program is open to everyone and will include accommodations for older adults, people with disabilities, and low incomes.
  • Subregional Mobility Managers

    Subregional mobility managers provide support for regional coordination strategies outlined in the MAG Human Services Coordination Transportation Plan (HSCTP).