System Analysis and Forecasting


Regional Travel Survey

Travel Survey

MAG regularly conducts different types of travel surveys in the region. Your travel information is important data we need in order to plan for our region’s future transportation needs. Whether you take public transit to work, drive kids to school, travel very little, or bike everywhere – your travel information is the key to creating a useful, convenient transportation network that meets everyone’s needs. The more people who complete the study, the better our results will be. That’s why we really need your help! Learn more about the travel survey.

MAG Transportation Data Management System

This is a state-of-the-practice data analysis tool ( It makes regional traffic data and data analysis tools readily available to the professional community and the public. MAG continuously updates information about traffic volumes and speeds on major roads using data collected by MAG and MAG member agencies.

Contact: Wang Zhang, Transportation Data Program Manager

Transportation Data Program Manager
Wang Zhang

System Analysis Program

The transportation planning process needs analysis and forecasting of travel demand and level of service provided by the regional transportation system. This information is required to recognize future transportation challenges and develop solutions. The main purpose of the Transportation System Analysis Program is to provide technical and information services for the regional planning process. These services involve collecting, maintaining, analyzing, forecasting, and delivering information relevant to the regional transportation infrastructure and travel.

Regional Traffic

Regional Traffic and Travel Trends

The Maricopa Association of Governments is tracking the amount of time commuters are stuck in traffic on a daily basis. The measure of congestion delay is calculated from speed data, which covers all major freeways and most of the arterial streets in Maricopa County on a daily basis, 24 hours a day. Learn about regional traffic and travel trends.

Deputy Transportation Director - Modeling
Haidong Zhu
Transportation Data Program Manager
Wang Zhang
Conformity Network and Requests Program Manager
Lavanya Vallabhaneni
Travel Demand Modeling Program Manager
Arup Dutta
Transportation Information Requests
Contact Us