The Transportation System Analysis Program provides technical and information services for the regional planning process. These services involve the tasks of collecting, maintaining, analyzing, forecasting, and delivering information relevant to transportation infrastructure and travel. The information is for transportation planning and design, investment decisions, business development, location choice and research. Travel simulations produced by the program assist with local highway and transit planning and design efforts as well as for MAG Regional Transportation Planning and air quality analysis.

Latest Studies

SHRP2 C20 MAG Next Generation Freight Demand Model Final Report

The Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG), Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) and Pima Association of Governments (PAG) developed a successful proposal for Round 3 of Strategic Highway Research Program 2 (SHRP2) C20 Implementation and Technical Assistance Program (IAP) Grant. The Grant funds were designated for a pilot proof of concept study aimed at developing behavior-based freight model. The MAG, ADOT and PAG proposal scope exceeded the original Grant offering and called for the development of an operational mega-regional multimodal agent-based behavioral freight model based on the guidelines identified in the SHRP2 C20 findings. MAG has successfully completed model development and presented it at a number of professional forums and publications.