Population Technical Advisory Committee

Population Technical Advisory Committee
There are currently no documents associated with this committee

Bryant Powell
Apache Junction

Vice Chair
Dan Cotterman

Data Advisory Program Manager
Scott Wilken

The Population Technical Advisory Committee (POPTAC) comprises technical-oriented staff from either the planning department or manager's office of MAG member agencies. The purpose of the committee is to participate in the MAG population-related activities including the preparation of socioeconomic estimates and projections. This committee also has responsibility for coordinating preparations for each census. POPTAC meetings may also include reports regarding the homeless population, housing statistics, employer data, and other topics related to the demographics of the region's population.

What does POPTAC Do?

Using the latest census as a base, the POPTAC calculates resident population in the region for July 1st each year. Member agencies assist with this process by doing the following:

  • Provides data:
    • Residential completions
    • Annexations
    • Group Quarters updates
  • Reviews final estimates
  • Recommends approval to Management Committee

The estimates are normally adopted by the Regional Council each year in December.

Click here to view current data.


POPTAC plays an integral role in the decennial and special censuses. It oversees outreach and technical efforts, and collects, organizes and distributes American Community Survey data products. POPTAC works with member agency staffs who provide the following:

  • Participates in outreach and technical meetings
  • Reviews and provides information to Census
  • Bureau for:
    • Jurisdiction boundaries
    • New streets
    • Census geography boundaries


MAG staff performs the following functions:

  • Acts as a Liaison between member agencies and Census Bureau
  • Conducts forums and workshops
  • Works with members for jurisdiction submittals to Census Bureau
  • Prepares MAG submittals to Census Bureau with member input

Important Links

Data collection and dissemination are processes that are handled by MAG who collect, purchase, and maintain the data which is later reviewed by its member agencies.

Click here to go to MAG's Maps and Data page.

MAG produces long-range projections of population and employment every three to four years. These projections are normally adopted by the MAG Regional Council in June of years ending with 3, 6, and 9, but may also be supplemented more frequently as needed. Specifically, these are projections of resident populations and employment by industry sector. POPTAC members and other member agency staff perform the following functions:

  • Provides land use data
  • Review and update ancillary databases
  • Review methods and assumptions
  • Review final projections
  • Recommend approval to MAG Management Committee and Regional Council


MAG's tasks include:

  • Prepares composite databases for the region
  • Coordinates with State Demographer's Office for county population control total
  • Prepares employment control totals
  • Runs models and submodels
  • Reviews model results internally and with member agency staff

Current population projection data is found here


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