MAG Household Travel Survey

Where do you go? How do you get there?

Your travel information is important data we need in order to plan for our region’s future transportation needs. Whether you take public transit to work, drive kids to school, travel very little, or bike everywhere – your travel information is the key to creating a useful, convenient transportation network that meets everyone’s needs. The more people who complete the study, the better our results will be. That’s why we really need your help!

Who are we?

The Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) develops the plans that pay for and build your transportation system, including freeways, streets, bus and rail, even bike trails and sidewalks. That’s why it is important for us to have the best information possible about what projects are most needed or wanted. We’ve made it easy by creating an app for your smart phone so you can share where you go.

Did you receive an invitation?

Thank you for your interest in the survey. MAG has contracted with ETC Institute to administer the survey in 2023 and 2024. A limited number of addresses from across the region were scientifically selected to represent the entire population. To participate, please follow the instructions or the web link on the invitation you have received.

Travel survey postcard example

Need Help?

We are here to help and support your participation. Please refer to this frequently asked questions page for more information. You can always contact the survey support team through the following ways:

Call: 1-844-755-8511 (toll-free)
Email: [email protected]
Live Chat or Web Form

If you have any concerns, you may also contact the MAG Project Manager at [email protected] or at 602-759-1925.

Emerging Technology Program Manager
Shuyao Hong