The I-10/Hassayampa Valley Roadway Study began in May 2006. The Hassayampa Valley area is bordered by SR-74 on the north, SR-303L on the east, the Gila River on the south, and 459th Avenue on the west. The project established a transportation framework that:

  • Responds to the FHWA and ADOT by establishing a traffic interchange plan for Interstate 10;
  • Identifies a network of freeways, parkways, and arterials to facilitate travel throughout the Hassayampa Valley;
  • Recommends a new arterial facility called the “Arizona Parkway” for providing a higher capacity and safer roadway that meets the travel demand;
  • Includes recommendations for transit connections between the Hassayampa Valley and the MAG region; and
  • Provides to Maricopa County, the Town of Buckeye, and the Cities of Goodyear and Surprise a transportation planning framework to serve as the backbone of their plans for making land use decisions.

Much of the reason for this one-year study came from the need to preserve and improve Interstate 10, which currently the only freeway serving the area. It is the primary corridor for moving people and goods between Phoenix and the ports in Los Angeles and Long Beach.

Map of the Study Area

Transportation Policy and Initiatives Program Manager
Arminta Syed