Transportation Performance

The Transportation Performance Program is responsible for projects and processes that address federal requirements related to performance measurement and target setting. The program is based on the Performance Measurement Framework developed by MAG in 2009 and is continuously adjusted in response to federal regulations set forth by the requirements in the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21) and continued in the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act.

In addition to establishing and monitoring federal performance targets, the program is responsible for the implementation of performance-based planning and programming processes and project evaluation. A variety of methodologies have been developed and implemented by the program to achieve that goal and firmly establish the link between regional goals and objectives and performance measures.

Sun Cloud AID Grant training screenshot

Sun Cloud AID Grant

The Sun Cloud is a data portal for sharing transportation and socioeconomic data describing the Sun Corridor megaregion that extends from Phoenix to the Mexico border.
Transportation Performance Dashboard screenshot

Performance Dashboard

This dashboard provides the public with an overview of transportation performance in the MAG region. It includes system-level performance, including federal performance measures, as well as corridor-level analysis.
Project Cards screenshots

Project Cards

MAG is responsible for projects across the region, the project card viewer provides a map of the locations and individual project cards containing timelines and costs associated with the projects.
Deputy Transportation Director - Data Management and Application
Edward Brown
Transportation Information Requests
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