How Can MAG Help You?
Whether you’re a member of the news media, public, or member agency, this document outlines the types of data and resources available at MAG.
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What is MAG?
The Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) provides a forum for local governments working together on issues that affect the lives of everyone in the greater Phoenix region. We are a regional agency that conducts planning and makes policy decisions in a number of core areas. These include safe and smart travel, the economy and growth, environment and sustainability, and improving quality of life, all with a focus on efficient and effective operations. Our member agencies include 27 cities and towns, 3 Native nations, Maricopa County, portions of Pinal County, and the Arizona Department of Transportation. Our planning area encompasses about 10,600 square miles.
Please note there is no “county” in our name. We are not a county agency. We are a coalition of local governments with various planning responsibilities as noted below.
Council of Governments (COG): MAG is a council of governments, defined as a public organization encompassing a multijurisdictional regional community. A COG serves the region’s local governments and residents by dealing with issues and needs that cross city, town, county, and even state boundaries. Councils of governments are regional governing and/or coordinating bodies that exist throughout the United States.
Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO): MAG is the designated metropolitan planning organization (MPO) for transportation planning in the greater Phoenix region, including the Phoenix urbanized area and the contiguous urbanized area in Pinal County.
Other designations: The Governor also has designated MAG to serve as the principal planning agency for the region in many different areas, including air quality, water quality management, and solid waste management. Through an Executive Order from the Governor, MAG develops population estimates and projections for the region. Extensive primary research drives this work.
Examples of data and resources available in our 5 core areas of emphasis:

Safe & Smart Travel

Economy & Growth
- 2020 Census Data, including population and housing numbers by jurisdiction, breakdowns by race and age, vacancy rates, population density, population change.
- MAG supports regional decision-making through technology, information gathering, and analysis. Visit our maps and data page and our interactive map viewers.
- Community Profiles – Search local, regional, and state demographics, including population, income, housing, and more.
- Commute and Workforce, including reports on commuting patterns, workforce, employers, and demographics for the Phoenix metro area.
- Employment, including information about employers and industries around Arizona, including foreign-owned businesses.
- Geo-data Portal – provides easy access to publicly-available GIS data produced by MAG. Data can be downloaded as a spreadsheet, shapefile, or KML, or linked via API.
- Imports and Exports – Discover the top imports and exports for the state and region.
- Land Use & Real Estate – Data on foreclosures, housing estimates, development projects, and current and future land use.
- Long-range regional projections on future population and employment for the Phoenix metro area.

Environment & Sustainability

Quality of Life
Age Friendly Arizona and Mobility
- Age Friendly Arizona – A collaborative effort to give older adults access to programs and services that promote their well-being and encourage their involvement in community life.
- Rides That Save Lives Toolkit – This toolkit collects emerging best practices and advice to help nonprofits, communities, and mobility providers improve vaccine access for older adults, particularly those who are homebound, no longer drive, have a disability, worry about vaccine safety, or lack family/caregiver support.
- Blind Spot (pdf) – This report examines the mobility challenges that confront older people in rural communities across America and profiles some of the programs that exist to support them with an invitation to the philanthropic community to support this work.
- – A website designed to help older adults and the general public to connect more quickly with transportation resources across Arizona.
Domestic Violence
- Domestic Violence program – MAG webpage provides access to resources, hotline numbers, and a video on how to text to 9-1-1 if you can’t safely call.
- Protocol Evaluation Project – A multi-disciplinary effort for assessing protocols and practices used by law enforcement and prosecutors when responding to domestic violence offenders.

Efficient & Effective MAG Operations