
January 26, 2010, 10:00 AM

In place of the January POPTAC meeting, we are scheduling a POPTAC 101 at the same time and place as the originally scheduled meeting.Due to a number of new faces on the MAG POPTAC and in the planning departments at our MAG member agencies, MAG will be offering a “POPTAC 101.” POPTAC 101 will explain the role of POPTAC, the committee’s main functions, and major products. We will discuss the roles of MAG member agency staff and MAG staff as it relates to preparing estimates, developing projections and coordinating census activities.Everyone is welcome to attend, this is not just for POPTAC members. RSVP to Steve Gross at (602) 254-6300. If you have any questions or need additional information please contact Heidi Pahl-Bickart at (602) 254-6300.To view the event page for POPTAC 101, click here.

This event has been archived. To obtain documentation relating to this event, please use the Public Records Request form.

Data Advisory Program Manager
Scott Wilken