Safe & Smart
MAG leverages emerging technologies and is one of the nation's most sophisticated metropolitan planning organizations.
MAG plans for current and future transportation needs to provide safer and more efficient travel options for the region.
Environment & Sustainability
Protecting the environment has important implications for the air, land, animals, transportation, and economic development. MAG develops broad strategies to ensure that the MAG region grows clean through environmental planning and keep air and water clean for the people, animals, and land.
Quality of Life
Regional planning efforts to enhance people's quality of life include addressing homelessness, domestic violence, active transportation, human services transportation, and litter prevention. MAG prioritizes building communities that work for people of all ages and disabilities. Together, these efforts ensure people can live whole, vibrant, and safe lives.
Economy &
Robust transportation infrastructure and vital analytical tools stimulate trade and investment in the region. These tools help the region to compete more successfully in the global marketplace. MAG develops robust analytics in business, international trade, and transportation planning that drive and support economic development. The priority is to plan a future with better jobs and an economy for all.
Efficient & Effective Operations
MAG understands its responsibility to be good stewards of the public trust and ensure the utmost value for every public dollar. We respect and appreciate our member agencies and partners' time and energy dedicated to our shared work. We strive to use these resources wisely and to deliver maximum value. We work to ensure operation in a transparent, highly performing, ethical, and financially responsible manner.
Resources &
Agency Information