The section of State Route 30 (SR 30) between State Route 202L (SR 202L) and Interstate 17 (I-17), commonly referred to as the Durango Link, is one of three sections of a future freeway corridor connecting the I-17 Durango Curve (to the east) with SR 85 (to the west). MAG initiated this study to help lay the groundwork for future design, engineering studies, and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documentation with a recommended SR 30 Durango Link corridor.
The study utilized a two-level screening process, first determining whether potential corridors met the purpose and need identified at the outset of the study, followed by a more detailed review of engineering, environmental, performance, and implementation considerations. The ultimate corridor recommendation, shown on the map below, was based on a combination of inputs, including the technical screening process, feedback from the public, and stakeholder input.
Construction of this facility is expected to help reduce the duration of traffic congestion on I-10 and I-17, and decrease travel times through and around the study area. The facility would also improve the reliability and redundancy of the transportation system by providing a second major east-to-west transportation facility in the southwestern Phoenix metropolitan area. Funding has been set aside for this facility in MAG’s most recent regional transportation plan, MOMENTUM.
Agency and Public Scoping Meetings
Existing and Future Conditions Report
Corridor Development and Analysis
Public Meeting
Draft Recommended Corridor
Final Recommended Corridor and PEL