Let's work together and improve Pima Road for everyone. Provide comments on the interactive comment map and take the survey.
The Maricopa Association of Governments, in partnership with the Town of Carefree and the City of Scottsdale, held an open house for the Pima Road Corridor Study on November 14, 2024. The purpose of the open house was to introduce the study to the public, discuss existing traffic conditions along the corridor, and collect the public’s comments on issues and potential opportunities in the study area. If you were unable to attend the open house in person, you can still provide comments on the interactive comment map and take the survey. The comment period ends December 31, 2024.
A second open house, to be held in the spring of 2025, will include a presentation on the draft corridor recommendations.
The purpose of the Pima Road Corridor Study is to better understand travel characteristics and potential roadway improvements to improve capacity along Pima Road between Las Piedras and Cave Creek Road. The study will help the City of Scottsdale and the Town of Carefree gain a better understanding of transportation needs along the study corridor and provide a strategic implementation plan for this section of Pima Road to support projected growth. The Study will establish recommendations for the roadway type, number of travel lanes, right-of-way (R/W) needs, recommended intersection geometry and control, and general alignment required to accommodate both pedestrian and bicycle facilities based on current and future traffic volumes. This study will establish near and long-term solutions for each of these project features.
The initial study goals and objectives shown below will be further refined throughout the study in coordination with MAG and the jurisdictional agencies.
The limits along Pima Road to be studied for improvement are from Las Piedras to Cave Creek Road (approximately 4.1 miles). The project will include the planning of four major cross-street intersections: Lone Mountain Road, Westland Road, Stagecoach Pass and Cave Creek Road. It will also include reviewing access control at Las Piedras, Ranch Road, Whisper Rock Trail, Black Mountain Road, and Hawknest Road. The study area for this corridor study is bounded by Scottsdale Road to the west, Pima Road to the east, Dixileta Drive to the south, and Cave Creek Road to the north.