MAG Strategic Transportation Safety Plan

2019 MAG Strategic Transportation Safety Plan

The MAG Strategic Transportation Safety Plan (STSP) – Safe System in Action was accepted by the Regional Council in June 2021. The Plan is an update to the 2015 STSP developed by MAG’s Transportation Safety Committee (TSC). The STSP identifies a culture of safety and establishes a vision, goals, strategies, and performance measures for regional multimodal transportation safety.  Development of the Plan was done in coordination with on-going work to develop the next Regional Transportation Plan, MOMENTUM. The STSP was developed for consistency with the Arizona Department of Transportation's (ADOT) 2019 Strategic Traffic Safety Plan (AZ-STSP). The STSP also addresses emerging technologies that the culture of safety identified to help advance towards realistic expectations of safety. A framework for use of emerging technologies to advance safety initiatives is provided in the Task 7 report accessed in the “Materials” tab on this webpage.

Implementation of the STSP spans a 10-year period from July 2020 to June 2030. Implementation of the STSP strategies will provide a framework for identification, prioritizing and leveraging safety elements for consideration of regional priority projects and help establish safety education as a priority in regional programs.

2019 Strategic Transportation Safety Plan Development

Oversight for the project was provided by a Transportation Safety Stakeholders Group (TSSG) consisting of local agency representatives covering a wide range of partners including FHWA, ADOT, MCDOT, and Valley Metro. Recommendations of the TSSG were then reviewed and recommended by the Transportation Safety Committee for promotion in the STSP and final document. The execution of each task resulted in a Task Report or technical memoranda documenting the work performed, findings and recommendations. These documents can be accessed in the “Materials” tab on this webpage.

2019 AZ Strategic Traffic Safety Plan (AZ-STSP) 
Zero Fatalities – What Should Be Our Goal (Video Footage Courtesy, Nevada)