2018 Specs and Details Cases Under Consideration

Each year the MAG Standard Specifications and Details Committee reviews changes to the Uniform Standard Specifications and Details for Public Works Construction document. These changes are first reviewed in separate cases. This project page is designed to be a resource for committee members to access the most current versions of cases under consideration throughout the year. 

(Page last updated 09/14/18)

A summary of 2018 Cases with links to PDF working documents is shown in the table below:

of Case


Case 17-09:  Revisions to Section 611: Update Water/Sewer testing specs for flushing and chlorination. Jim Badowich,
07/05/17 07/23/18


Case 17-12:  Revisions to Section 610.5.5: Allow sleeves as an option for extra protection. Arvid Veidmark,
Water/Sewer WG
07/05/17 08/23/17 Approved:
Case 18-01:

Miscellaneous Corrections:
A. Change “DRAFT” to “REVISED” in the title block of all new Ramp Details 261-1 through 238-3.
B. Spelling Correction: Section 630.3.1 first paragraph: change “value” to “valve.”

Karl Rockwell, MCDOT
Ryan Nichols,

01/03/18 02/07/18 Approved:
Case 18-02: Revisions to Section 718 and 334: Preservative Seal for Asphalt Concrete – Type C Greg Groneberg,
Asphalt WG
01/03/18 03/22/18 Approved:
Case 18-03: Revisions to Section 729 Expansion Joint Filler to a Polypropylene Foam Joint Filler Alternative. Jeff Hearne,
Concrete WG
01/03/18 01/19/18 Approved:
Case 18-04: Revision to Detail 252 Bus Bays to indicate the clear space for the boarding and alighting area. Warren White, Chandler 02/07/18 05/07/18 Approved:
Case 18-05: Revisions to Detail 145 Safety Rail (anchorage.)  Update wall thickness on Headwall details 501-1, 501-2, 501-4, 501-5 and 502-1. Karl Rockwell, MCDOT 02/07/18 08/02/18


Case 18-06: Revisions to Details 303-1, 303-2: Add option to allow PVC pipe to be used with joint restraint details. Warren White, Chandler 03/07/18 04/09/18 Approved:
Case 18-07: Revisions to Sections 321 & 325: Clarify binder content reporting. Greg Groneberg,
Asphalt WG
04/04/18 04/23/18 Approved:
Case 18-08: Revisions to Section 740 Polypropylene Pipe and Fittings: Add reference to ASTM F2881 which now covers all sizes of polypropylene storm drain pipe. Warren White, Chandler 05/02/18 05/02/18 Approved:
Case 18-09: Revise Section 710 Asphalt Concrete: Make mix designs valid for 2 years to be consistent with current Sections 717 & 719 and changes made this year by the City of Phoenix & EVAC. Greg Groneberg,
Asphalt WG


06/06/18 Approved:
Case 18-10: New Detail 238-4: Single Sidewalk Ramp, Mid-Block Residential with 4” Roll Curb. Revise Detail 221. Karl Rockwell, MCDOT 06/06/18 08/06/18 Carry
Case 18-11: Proposed revisions to titles of Details 236-3 and 237-3 to expand usage. Warren White, Chandler 06/06/18 06/06/18 Approved:
Case 18-12: Revise Details 360-1 & 360-2. Update note 10 to specify fire hydrants shall be factory painted. Jim Badowich,
07/11/18 07/24/18 Approved:
Case 18-13: Update Section 602 Steel Casing. Update minimum wall thickness of casing in Table 602-1, update ASTM reference. Add information for open cut installation. Jim Badowich,
07/11/18 08/02/18 Approved:
Case 18-14: Polymer concrete manhole construction. New polymer concrete manhole details 419-1, 419-2 and 419-3. New specifications Section 744. Craig Sharp,
07/11/18 08/19/18 Carry