Survey Reveals Progress in Awareness and Action Against Littering Phoenix (January 16, 2025) – The Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) has released the results of its 2024 Litter Evaluation Survey, revealing significant strides in public awareness and attitudes toward litter prevention across Maricopa County.
Annual Homelessness Count Takes Place on January 28 Phoenix (January 14, 2025) — Before the sun rises, more than 1,000 volunteers will scan alleys, parks, riverbeds, streets, doorways, and other areas on January 28, 2025, in an annual effort to count the number of people experiencing homelessness in the region on a single night of the year.
Maricopa County Voters Invest in Progress: Passage of Proposition 479 Represents a Milestone Reached for Regional Transportation Phoenix (November 6, 2024) — After years of regional planning and unanimous support from the region’s leaders, Maricopa County voters have chosen continued progress with the passage of Proposition 479, a measure that will continue the dedicated half-cent sales tax for transportation for another 20 years.
Regional Council Approves Funding to Address Major Bottleneck in Northwest Valley PHOENIX (October 24, 2024) — More than $4 million in new funding is on the way to help address congestion at the US 60 (Grand Avenue)/Loop 303 traffic interchange and the nearby intersection of US 60 and 163rd Avenue.
Region Receives $146 Million in Federal Grants for Grand Avenue Reconstruction Project PHOENIX (October 21, 2024)—The U.S. Department of Transportation announced today a $146 million combined federal grant funding award to the Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) for the US 60 (Grand Avenue)/35th Avenue/Indian School Road Grade Separation Project.
MAG Regional Domestic Violence Council: Making a Difference for 25 Years PHOENIX (September 25, 2024) — It has been 25 years since the brutal murder of a young mother in front of her children galvanized the regional community and led to the creation of the Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) Regional Domestic Violence Council.
Public Input Sought for Interstate 10/Koli Road Traffic Interchange PHOENIX (September 19, 2024) — The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) is studying the feasibility of a new traffic interchange at Koli Road and I- 10.
Federal Infrastructure and Inflation Reduction Bills Continue to Benefit Region PHOENIX (June 28, 2024) — The Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) Regional Council received an update this week on the impact two federal pieces of legislation are having on the region in funding major transportation infrastructure and environmental projects.
Chandler Mayor Kevin Hartke Named MAG Chair PHOENIX (June 26, 2024) — Chandler Mayor Kevin Hartke was elected as chair of the Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) Regional Council today during the agency’s annual meeting.
Carry a Stop Paddle? This Training Is for You PHOENIX (June 11, 2024) — Annual crossing guard training opportunities set for July and August – Registration Now Open
Learn How to Secure Your Load to Prevent Tragedy PHOENIX (June 6, 2024) — From 2018 to 2022, 32 people died on Arizona highways due to unsecured loads. In 2022* alone, there were 1,100 crashes and nine fatalities related to dangerous debris in our state.
Annual Count Shows More People Staying in Shelter PHOENIX (May 22, 2024) — Results released today from the Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) from the 2024 “Point in Time” homelessness count show about the same number of people experiencing homelessness compared to last year, but with significantly more people in shelter and fewer on the street.
Heat Relief Network Launches With Goal of Preventing Heat Deaths PHOENIX (May 1, 2024) — With more than 600 heat associated deaths in Maricopa County in 2023, a coalition of partners is determined to provide resources to address the searing summer heat and the toll it takes on Valley residents.
Have You Thanked Your 9-1-1 Operator Lately? Phoenix (April 15, 2024) — Every day and night, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, public safety telecommunicators answer emergency and non-emergency calls. They connect callers to emergency services and provide valuable resources to those in need.
Honoring Transportation Leaders: WTS Metropolitan Phoenix Chapter Celebrates Outstanding Contributors Phoenix (April 1, 2024) — Sometimes they work behind the scenes, other times in the public eye, but honorees of the 2024 WTS Recognition Awards share a passion for their community that benefits those who live in our region.