MAG Regional Bikeways and Active Transportation Maps

The links below can be used to access the MAG Regional Bikeways map, to order FREE bikeways maps, or to submit comments on active transportation in the region.

MAG Regional Bikeways (Online Map)

MAG Regional Bikeways (Online Map)

This is the online version of the bikeways map, which is compatible with smartphones and tablets. The online map is updated annually.
MAG Regional Bikeways (Print Map)

MAG Regional Bikeways (Print Map)

MAG, in coordination with its member agencies, publishes a printed map of regional bikeways, which is updated about every three years. The current edition is the 2022 MAG Bikeways Map.
MAG Active Transportation Interactive Comment Map

MAG Active Transportation Interactive Comment Map

The MAG Active Transportation Interactive Comment Map is used to collect feedback about biking, walking, and rolling in the region. Please share your thoughts with us. Your comments will be used to identify improvements in the region.

MAG Regional Bikeways Map Order Forms

Please use the forms to request FREE copies of the MAG Regional Bikeways Map.

MAG will mail up to 50 maps as a one-time courtesy. If you need more than 50 maps, please use the Pick-Up Form to arrange a pickup time. Boxes can be picked up from the MAG Offices (302 North 1st Avenue, Suite 200, Phoenix, AZ, 85003) during normal business hours (Monday-Friday 8am-5pm, excluding holidays).

Mail Order Form (50 Maps or Less)


Pick-Up Order Form (Over 50 Maps)


  • During normal business hours (Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm, excluding holidays)

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MAG Email
Bike Map Contact