
SR347 MapSR 347 is the most direct option for people traveling between the city of Maricopa and the Phoenix metro area. The corridor runs from Interstate 10 to Peters and Nall Road. It is the primary business route through the city of Maricopa and provides access to the Wild Horse Pass development area and the Ak Chin Community entertainment district.

This scoping study has been undertaken to look at ways to improve travel along the SR 347 corridor, and provide direction and build stakeholder consensus regarding timely improvement of SR 347 between Interstate 10 (I-10) and Peters and Nall Road. The plan is the first step needed toward more detailed studies that would then allow for construction of recommended improvements.

Our goal was to create a plan that would:

  • Ensure the best possible travel times.
  • Improve safety.
  • Consider environmental impacts.
  • Prepare for future growth.
  • Make it easier for bicycles and pedestrians to use the corridor.
  • Support potential future bus or other transit options
  • Respect interests of landowners and other stakeholders.
  • Take into consideration existing and future land use near SR-347.


The study is being managed by the Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) in association with its funding partners, the City of Maricopa and Pinal County, and included extensive coordination with representatives from Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT), Gila River Indian Community (GRIC), Ak-Chin Indian Community, Maricopa County Department of Transportation (MCDOT), and Federal Highway administration (FHWA). The study resulted in identification of recommended improvement strategies supported by analyses of deficiencies and needs; evaluation of alternative improvement scenarios; development of conceptual plans for preferred improvement actions; calculation of estimated implementation costs; and prioritization of near, mid, and long-term recommendations. A Planning and Environmental Linkages (PEL) checklist was also prepared to provide ADOT and FHWA guidance in establishing future environmental studies to meet requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969.


Want Your voice to be heard? We're listening!

Let's work together and improve SR 347 for everyone.



Ak-Chin Indian Community SealADOT logo in textCity of Maricopa logo with a black and white MGila River Indian Community logoMaricopa Association of Governments text with teal M Maricopa County Seal Pinal County Logo text Federal Highway Administration logo in text


This study is scheduled for completion by late 2021.  The timeline below summarizes the anticipated timeline along with key study milestones.

schedule from spring 2019 to spring 2020

Transportation Concepts Included in the Survey and the Draft Report

The scoping study evaluated several potential solutions to improve the flow of traffic along the SR 347 corridor.  The survey that was conducted early in the planning process included several survey questions referring to these strategies. Below are some graphics that explain a few of these concepts that were evaluated and included in the draft report. 


Survey Question #5: Left turn arrows at traffic signals can result in delays for through traffic. Would you be in favor of restricting left turn movements at an intersection and have the driver make a U-turn in the median to improve the through traffic (also known as the Arizona Parkway concept)?


Arizona Parkway Concept

The Arizona Parkway concept restricts left turns at the intersection and makes the driver make a U-turn at the median crossover. Research has shown the Arizona Parkway concept relieves congestion and reduces the number of left turn accidents.

illustration showing how to make a u-turn


Survey Question #6: Would you be comfortable using other types of road or intersection designs that improve traffic flow, such as reversible lanes (direction of travel changes based on heaviest traffic flow)?


Widening to include reversible lanes

A reversible lane is used to carry more traffic during rush hour by changing the direction you can travel. This means the same road can be used going one way in the morning and another way in the evening, based on the heaviest traffic flow.  As shown in the example below, the I-395 reversible lane corridor in Virginia is located in the middle of the interstate and the direction of travel can be reversed to support the rush hour demand.

image of two lanes in the middle of six lanes of a freeway in virginia

Related Studies

The SR 347 Study team is working with MAG member agencies on other significant planning studies that are taking place near the study area. These include, but are not limited to, the following:

Interstate 10 through the Wild Horse CorridorInterstate 10/ Loop 202 to SR 387/Wild Horse Pass Corridor Study

In the summer of 2019, the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) and partner agencies took the first step toward studying ways to increase the capacity of a 26-mile section of Interstate 10 (I-10) south of the Phoenix metropolitan area.

In collaboration with the Maricopa Association of Governments, the Federal Highway Administration, and the Gila River Indian Community, ADOT is preparing an environmental and engineering study to evaluate improvements along this section of I-10. This is important because I-10, a Key Commerce Corridor, supports significant commercial and economic growth for the region, the state, and the nation.

The study process, which will produce an Environmental Assessment (EA) and Design Concept Report (DCR) will:

  • Evaluate the range of feasible alternatives, including the no-build alternative.
  • Assess the alternatives’ benefits and impacts, and the mitigations steps necessary to offset potential impacts.

This study is focused on a 26-mile segment of Interstate 10 between the Loop 202 interchange south of Phoenix to just south of the State Route 387 interchange near Casa Grande. The I-10 bridges over the Gila River are part of a separate project that is excluded from this study.

For more information please visit the study website at http://i10wildhorsepasscorridor.com/


ADOT logo in textGila River Indian Community logoMaricopa Association of Governments text with teal M


If you have any questions regarding the SR 347 Scoping Study, please call Tim Strow.

Tim Strow (Project Manager)
Transportation Policy and Planning Director
Maricopa Association of Governments
[email protected]
(602) 254-6300