The MAG Transportation Ambassador Program (TAP) project is designed to connect people to human services transportation opportunities in the region. The program is open to everyone and will include accommodations for older adults, people with disabilities, and individuals with low incomes. The goal of the program is to create a network of people informed about the most current information in human services transportation to better serve the community.
The TAP program seeks to empower people of all abilities to move more freely throughout the region by connecting participants with resources of all kinds; from direct service to training opportunities.
Check out our newsletter for information on human services transportation updates, events, networking, and more. The goal of the newsletter is to offer information and resources that are of interest to agencies across the region. Towards this goal, we would appreciate you sharing your stories, information on upcoming events, and interesting links you feel would be beneficial for future newsletters. Thank you, and we hope you enjoy the read!
Human Services Transportation Program Manager DeDe Gaisthea
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