City of Buckeye Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Strategic Plan



MAG is coordinating with the City of Buckeye to develop the city’s first ITS Strategic Plan. This would help the agency make strategic investments in ITS infrastructure and equip the agency with staff to manage and operate the system. In 2012, MAG developed a document that provided guidelines for ITS planning at smaller local agencies. The project team will use the MAG ITS Planning Guidelines for Smaller Jurisdictions (April 2012), as a reference in conducting this study. Any requirements that may be unique to the City of Buckeye will also be addressed.

The plan produced through this study will probably be adopted by the City of Buckeye and provide input to agency planning efforts in related areas. The plan will primarily help guide the City’s traffic management infrastructure development improve the efficiency and reliability of the transportation system. The plan will also provide guidance for making investment decisions related to future ITS technology infrastructure. The plan will most likely be linked to the general anticipated growth plan for the City. This will drive and support ITS needs over the next 10 years.