MAG was awarded a federal grant from Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to conduct an Integrated Corridor Management (ICM) Development Planning Study along the I-10. This ICM Planning Study complements traffic signal timing and detour plans for I-10 west of downtown. This study was developed by MAG as part of the Traffic Signal Optimization Program. MAG and its regional partners have been involved with ICM initiatives for several years and have developed an environment that is engaged in ICM planning.
The I-10 Corridor is one of the most important routes in the Valley. Crashes can cause significant delay during peak commuting periods. Closures on I-10 cause traffic diversions onto adjacent arterial streets which impact local agencies, passenger vehicles, transit and freight. Through the ICM Planning Grant, MAG and project partners including ADOT, MCDOT, the cities of Phoenix, Tempe, Chandler, the Arizona Department of Public Safety, Valley Metro, and others, are working to develop an ICM strategy. Their goal is to reduce congestion on I-10 between Loop 101 in the West Valley and Loop 202 Red Mountain Freeway in the East Valley. The outcomes of this study will be a series of documents that will guide the ICM partners towards the development of a solution or set of solutions that can be implemented.
The deliverables for the ICM Planning Study are the Project Management Plan (PMP), the Systems Engineering Management Plan (SEMP), the Concept of Operations (ConOps), and subsequent system requirements. MAG will be trying out the recommended ICM strategies from the Concept of Operations to identify the best strategies and potential benefits for the corridor.
The FHWA has piloted ICM strategies in San Diego, Dallas and Minneapolis.
This page will be updated with deliverables and other work products as the ICM study moves forward.
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Transportation Safety Program Manager Margaret Herrera
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