Pathways Home Progress

The homeless action plan includes three steps leading to the target goal of reducing homelessness by 25 percent by 2027. These steps include committing to work together throughout the region, increasing safe housing options, and supporting diverse partnerships to address homelessness. Together, these steps can strengthen the regional infrastructure to address homelessness.

The dollar amounts shown below are numbers only from local and tribal governments and do not include individual communities, non-profit or other entities.



Over 582 million dollars spent on steps of the pathways home plan
Over 36 million dollars in-kind contributions such as staff time, partner contributions, facility space or land
Over 601 million dollars being spent to fight homelessness

Adding Housing Units

Housing is a critical element to ensuring everyone has a safe place to call home. 

Permanent Housing units can include rapid rehousing and permanent supportive housing with the goal of helping people to transition to permanent housing. Rapid Rehousing (RRH) provides rental housing subsidies and tailored supportive services for up to 24-months. Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) provides long-term housing with intensive supportive services to persons with disabilities. 

Temporary housing can include converting hotel rooms, traditional shelter, low barrier shelter, and bridge housing. Low-barrier Shelters accept people often not eligible for other (traditional) shelters and housing, such as people who are actively using drugs or alcohol. Bridge Housing is a stable experience that can facilitate placement into permanent housing. Although models for bridge housing can vary greatly, the ultimate goal is to provide a stable temporary housing situation with supportive services while an individual is in the process of locating, applying to, and/or obtaining permanent housing.

Permanent Housing Added
Permanent Housing Still Needed
Temporary Housing Added
Temporary Housing Still Needed

Providing a Framework for New Ideas

Through Pathways Home, multiple toolkits have been created to provide a framework and opportunity to learn from other communities in the region on best practices, resource sharing, and successful programs. Developed in partnership with local and tribal governments, these toolkits provide a starting point for implementing new ideas.


Evaluations of the Homeless Response System

In order to improve and enhance the homeless system, both the Coordinated Entry System and the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) need to be evaluated and enhanced to ensure effective coordination of care.


Coordinated Entry

Coordinated Entry provides a centralized approach to connect vulnerable homeless residents to housing through a single community wide assessment tool and program matching system. Coordinated Entry processes, deployed across an entire community, make it possible for people experiencing or at risk of experiencing homelessness to have their strengths and needs quickly assessed (triage), and to be swiftly connected to appropriate, tailored housing and services within the community. In 2023, the Coordinated Entry Evaluation was completed and the Continuum of Care is now working to implement these changes and recommendations. 

Homeless Management Information System (HMIS)

The Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) is a local information technology system used to collect client-level data and data on the provision of housing and services to homeless individuals and families and persons at risk of homelessness. In 2023, the Data Landscape Evaluation was completed and the Continuum of Care is now working to consider these changes and recommendations.

Increasing Connections

In order to effectively address homelessness, we need to all work together. The homeless response system must support and increase diverse partnerships to address homelessness

0 Additional property managers through Threshold
0Connections to partners through outreach teams in Maricopa County
0Connections to workforce partners to increase employment
Real Change not spare change. Homeless person sleeping on the ground