System Performance Measures

System Performance Measures are a selection of criteria used by Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to evaluate how local Continua of Care are performing. Developed through the Homeless Emergency Assistance and Rapid Transition to Housing Act (HEARTH Act), the System Performance Measures allow communities to monitor progress toward the goal of preventing and ending homelessness. The measures provide a standardized summary and year-to-year comparison of system wide counts, averages, and medians related to seven areas of performance.

The following dashboard includes each of the 7 system performance measures. The yearly data included in the System Performance Measure dashboard below is based on the federal fiscal year (October 1 through September 30) with each quarter breakout for the last year.

Learn more about the System Performance Measures and how they are used in our Continuum of Care.

Review individual goals and how your program can positively influence these metrics with the Program Performance Measures.

  • First Time Homeless
  • Length of Time Homeless
  • Job and Income Growth
  • Successful Exits
  • Returns to Homelessness

Reduce First Time Homeless

Goal: Reduce number of people

Number of people experiencing homelessness for the first time over the course of the previous year (12 months). Interventions included are emergency shelter, transitional housing, safe haven, or permanent housing intervention and had not interacted with the Maricopa County HMIS in the past 24 months.


Length of Time Homeless

Goal: Reduce length of time to 97 days

System average amount of days that people stay in a temporary intervention. Interventions included are emergency shelter, transitional housing, and safe havens.


Increase Job and Income Growth 

Goal: Increase job and income growth

Percentage of people who increase their employment or non-employment income within MAG Continuum of Care projects. People included in this metric are enrolled in a Rapid Rehousing or Permanent Supportive Housing unit funded by the Continuum of Care and stay enrolled.


Increase Successful Exits to Permanent Housing Destinations

Goal: Increase percentage of exits that are successful to 45%

Percentage of people who exit from temporary to permanent housing. Included in this metric are exits from emergency shelter, transitional housing, safe haven, or rapid rehousing to permanent housing.



Increase Successful Permanent Housing Exits
to Permanent Housing or Retaining Housing

Goal: Increase percentage of successful PH exits to 98%

Percentage of people who exit or retain permanent housing. Included in this metric are exits from permanent housing to a different permanent housing or retain their PSH.


Returns to Homelessness

Goal: Reduce by 5% over previous year (13%)

Measures the number of people who return to homelessness within one year after exiting to a permanent housing destination. Included in this metric are entered a permanent housing destination from any intervention and then had a return entry to any intervention.


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