Current Call for Projects
Call for Projects for FHWA Funding

October 2024

On October 23, 2024, the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) Local Public Agency (LPA) Section issued a formal call for projects for the Off-System Bridge (OSB) Program for State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2026.

The Purpose of the Off-System Bridge Program is to fund the Design and/or Construction for replacement, rehabilitation, preservation and protection of roadway bridges over waterways, other topographical barriers, other roadways, railroads, canals, ferry landings, etc. on bridges that are not on the Federal-aid highway system (local roads or rural minor collectors).

There are two separate funding programs available for use on Off-System Bridge Projects. The program type and eligibility for each program are described below:

Surface Transportation Block Grant Program (STBG)

764 - Off System Bridge with Match- STBGP-Off Sys Br

Eligible for Replacement, Rehabilitation and/or Strengthening:
The bridge must be classified as either "Poor" or "Fair" or having a load capacity rating that requires the bridge to be posted for weight restrictions based on the National Bridge Inspection Standards (NBIS).

Eligible for Preservation/Preventative Maintenance and Protection:
All bridges regardless of condition are eligible for Preservation/Preventative Maintenance or Protection measures.

Bridge Formula Program (BFP)

763 – Off System Bridge with 100% Federal-Bridge FP OSB

Eligible for Replacement, Rehabilitation and/or Strengthening:
The bridge must be classified as either "Poor" or "Fair" or having a load capacity rating that requires the bridge to be posted for weight restrictions based on the National Bridge Inspection Standards (NBIS).

Eligible for Preservation/Preventative Maintenance and Protection:
Protection activities as described above are also eligible to be funded under this program given that one of the above conditions or load capacity items are met.

Project Application:

  • The application shall identify the requested Program Funding (STBG or BFP) the project sponsor wishes to apply for in the application form.
  • Applications will require a description of work that includes purpose and need, scope of work, justification (system prioritization), schedule, and detailed cost estimates for Design and Construction phases. Entities submitting multiple applications will need to regionally prioritize projects and submit justification for the selected projects.


  • Under the STBG Program, eligible project costs will be funded at 94.3% federal share with a 5.7% local match.
  • Under the Bridge Formula Program (BFP), eligible project costs will be funded with 100% federal share and no local match is required.


  • OSB applications are due back to MAG no later than December 13, 2024. MAG will prepare and submit the applications to ADOT by the posted due date. Applications can be submitted to the MAG TIP mailbox, [email protected].
  • OSB applications are due back to the ADOT LPA Section no later than December 30, 2024.
  • ADOT Selection Committee will review and prioritize all projects based on submitted applications and established scoring criteria January 2025.
  • Eligibility determination letters will be sent to applicants (with a copy to the Regional COG/MPO) February 2025.
  • Project Sponsors with projects selected can start working with their Regional COG/MPO to program the project into the Regional TIP as soon as program eligibility determination letter is received.
  • Project Sponsors with selected projects may start working with ADOT LPA Section to initiate the project and start the IGA process as soon as the project has been programmed in the Regional TIP.
  • Funding for Development Activities such as consultant selection, Environmental, ROW, and Utility and Railroad consultations will not be available until after June 2025.

Attached are the Off-System Bridge Guidelines, application, and scoring criteria. Ensure that all OSB applications submitted to ADOT are on the attached application form.

All Off-System Bridge applications must be submitted through the Regional COG/MPO, or the application will not be considered. This will ensure that each project will appropriately be considered for regional prioritization at the COG/MPO level before submission to ADOT.

More information about the OSB Program can be found on the ADOT LPA Section website at ADOT Federal Aid Highway Programs (LPA) website.

If you have questions or need further information please contact Mark Henige, ADOT LPA Program Manager at (602) 712-7132.

September 2024

The Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) is pleased to announce a Regional Competitive Programs - Call for Projects for the following programs: PM-10/PM-2.5 Paving Unpaved Roads.


Supporting Information



Paving Unpaved Roads Applications

August 2024

The Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) is pleased to announce a Regional Competitive Programs - Call for Projects for the following programs: PM-10 Certified Street Sweepers and the Traffic Signal Optimization Program (TSOP).


Supporting Information




TIP Information Requests
Email TIP
Deputy Transportation Director - Programming
Patrick Stone
Air Quality Planning Project Manager
Dean Giles